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Help Cailin raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine North Carolina

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My Story…

My migraine journey began in May of 2020. Although I’ve suffered with migraines off and on since I was a child it became a real and chronic problem in 2020. With the pandemic roaring I developed life altering vertigo that affects me daily. It took me five months to obtain a vestibular migraine diagnosis. My migraines present with a “rocking” sensation like I’m on a boat at the worst of times along with pain and pressure that affects my head and neck as well as my arms at times. Brain fog and anxiety are another major issue I deal with daily. I would be nowhere without the help of my fiancé, Devin for helping me get to appointments when I could barely drive without vertigo and panic back at the beginning. I also attribute my “new normal” to the treatment that I’ve received as a patient at various institutions. I’m excited to see what new treatment options become available over the coming years.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 06 Anonymous $25.00
Aug 24 Kathryn & Alex $54.10